Jplay Mini

I been using Jplay mini in Hibernation mode for a few weeks now and the results are stunning
If you have windows 7 or vista and like me a bit out out of your depth to build a dedicated computer based audio system then this will get you the similar results.
It will work with JRiver ITunes and Foobar as a plug in but the real magic is in full hibernation mould
It will take a ordinary DAC and transform it into something very special
full hibernation mode is the best but agree not as flexiable for me the difference is too huge to ignore
Question for you guys, as I stated, I tried this one evening and enjoyed it. Since I have tried several times and have only gotten it to run once. I get very slow and distorted playback. I have changed bit rate around, ram settings, river & beach, hibernation on & off, yet all I get is slow distorted play. One thing I have noticed is that it seems to go to inverted phase on its own everytime I get the slow distorted playback. I have emailed JPlay, they asked me a few questions about settings and equipment, but no response past that yet (weekend). They did say the trial and the full version are identical and I sure don't want to pay $130 for distortion. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas?
If JPLAY didn't get back to you yet you could delete the current version you have installed of JP & relaod another copy. Make sure you follow the instructions exactly for the installation into JRiver 16 or 17.Good luck!
I have recently had Jplay installed on my custom server by Marcin himself. It sounds so much better than both the Jriver 17 and XXHiEnd that it is almost scary. By far the best 100 euros I have spent on my system so far. Highly recomended !
1.Try deleting current version.
2.Download to a saved file.(do not run from the web)
3.Close all open programs.
4.Open saved file and run EXE program and install.
5.Follow directions closely.
6.Close program and restart the computer and let it load completely, (start-up programs etc.) Usually a few minutes, take your time....
7.Open the program and see what happens... then check for updates.

Best of Luck!