Apple Mac Mini as a music server

Looking to see if anyone has used a mac mini as a music server? If so please respond on how and what your set is. Also are you using a external DAC and how you have the mini hooked into your system.

I would highly recommend a Tranquility DAc to go with your Mac Mini. I and many others on audiocircle use this combo and it works very well. The Tranquilityy can be had for a very good price on the used market now and it has fantastic customer support and warranty. The sound is very analog like and sounds better than any CD player I have had.
You need to try a dac and see what you like my favorite was a bryston it is a little on the smooth payed back side. But with the new Aestix coming out I will probably sell that soon. All depends on your price range and what you consider breaking the bank.
MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF THE "EQUALIZER" IN THE SETTINGS if you use a Mini. I got bad distortion when the EQ was on. Otherwise, I have no problems using a Mini. Pure Music helps as well.