Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
The 5400 is lighter and cheaper than the 9000 but neither factor means that it must be of lower "build quality." OTOH, it does sound better.

Nice system Ozzy.

I am borrowing a friends 9000ES this week so I will compare it to my Muse Signature Gen3 which is a very good player itself.
I started wondering if anyone was getting confused between the Sony DVD-s9000es and the xa-9000es. The dvd-s9000es has got a lot of press and has been a mod queen. But is not in the same league as the stock xa9000es. I hope the comparison with the xa-5400es was not mixed up with this multi format player. I have been very happy with my xa9000es...I may have to buy a xa5400es and compare side by side.
Gandme I hope everyone knew I meant the SACD 9000. The one built like a tank and weighs around 40 lbs.

That answer is not sufficiently descriptive. Both units are built like a tank and weigh about the same, both play CDs and SACDs, but only one plays video discs. We must assume by your haughty indignation that you are referring to the audio only XA9000ES. AFAIK there is no SACD 9000 model.
