iFi LAN iSilencer connection

This can be plugged into the router or the streamer. My guess is it would be better plugged into the router if you have a well shielded ethernet cable.

Is there a preferred method or no difference?  



Circular, pointless argument. It's my post...please end it here.

Thank you to those that contributed.

I have a couple of these and have been using them for many months. I plugged one on the line that feeds into the switch from which all my audio gear is connected, and another into the NAS that stores my files.

It was not a revolutionary experience but to my ear did no harm and I thought the overall presentation of the music was better with them in play. I might agree with your description you posted above regarding tone.

For the modest cost of these I don’t feel taken and happily continue to use them (along with my AudioQuest Jitterbug and Emotiva DC blocker) while enjoying my system.

Plug the LAN silencer directly into the ethernet port on your streaming device.

Run a good ethernet cable (Axxess, audioquest, etc) from your router or preferably a FMC decoupler to the isilencer.