Garrard 301 - Project

I have been contemplating for a while which turntable to pursue given so many choices. Every time I look around, I just can’t help drooling over a fully restored Garrard 301 or 401. Aside from being an idler-drive, I keep reading and hearing about their unique ability to reproduce music with its sense of drive and impact thus making them very desirable to own. And with available meticulous restoration services and gorgeous plinth options, what’s not to like, right!

Would you please share your experience, good and pitfalls (if any) with a restored Garrard 301 to avoid before I go down this path.

And what about the IEC inlet and power cord, would they be of any significance. My two choices would be Furutech FI-09 NCF or FI-06 (G) inlets.

I have already purchased a Reed 3P Cocobolo 10.5” with Finewire C37+Cryo tonearm/interconnect phono cable with KLEI RCA plugs option.

Still exploring Cart Options, so please feel free to share your choice of cart with Garrard 301 or 401.

And lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to @fsonicsmith, @noromance ​​​​@mdalton for the inspiration.


On owned ID TT;s I have had a very pleasant surprise from a 5mm Forex Foam Material.

The same surprise has also been discovered with the 5mm Forex Foam in use on owned DD TT's 

A Friend was quite impressed with the same 5mm Material used on their BD TT, where I gifted them my spare Mat.

The owner of the BD TT, now uses the 5mm Mat on their SP10 R as well.

I bought  2 x 3mm and 2 x 5mm Forex Foam, produced as a TT Mat, where including delivery it was approx' £30.

At the time of Purchase the Material, it was  described as being the same as a Brand known as DAT Mat, which was approx' £100 and the Mat thickness I can not recall for this product.

The 3mm was able to change the Sonic, but also impacted on the SQ.

The 5mm is a different impact, every thing that is extremely attractive is maintained or slightly improved, even when there is a noticeable hint of Richness of Tone with the 5mm used in comparison to a Metal Mat.

The Forex Foam 5mm will work with the Concave Platter.

If moving away from Richness of Tone is attractive, then Metal Mats are able to produce this perception.

In my experiences, the AT 666 Vacuum Mat is the one to produce the perception of being most Transparent/Lean of used Metal Mats.

The Tenuto is next in perception of Transparency/Lean.

The AT 677 Duraluminium Technihard and Micro Seiki Duraluminium are perceived as a hint towards Rich Tone when compared to other Metal Mats.

The Micro Seiki being 8mm Thick, is perceived as the one with the most perception of a Rich Tone, with my experiences of Metal Mats used.

Do not let anybody try and steer one into thinking Mats don't create a perception of Tone.

Do let in the notion, that a Mat of a certain type can be quite a bad inclusion.

As there is the materials, or interface for the material, that creates a end sonic, where much of what is attractive is effected to the point it is perceived as being very deficient and unwanted.

The downside is to learn where the differences are to be found, does mean Differing Materials, Differing Materials Thickness are needing to be experienced in use in the environment the TT is set up in.

The upside is, when the correct interface is found, there is a deep satisfaction to follow.

A lot of Though has gone into what the TT and TA is to be seated on.

Similar thought is also required to discover what is the best for the Vinyl, as the  Source Material and Styli as the Data Extractor to be seated on.       


@dover I think I said as much with "To the best of my knowledge no 301 model was ever produced with a strobe lamp installed and only at some point after the 401 was introduced was a strobed platter offered as an option with a 301 during a short period in which both were in production, but again, without any strobe light retro-fit option"

My mistake was to call it a "401 platter". I admit to not knowing the strobed platter option for the 301 was a different platter than the 401. 

I used to own this book-I should have kept it. After reading it cover to cover I gave my copy to Greg Metz. 



No worries, we all sharing what we know. And see, that would be a great book to own and read. Speaking of strobe light, I did find this option other day, 

My wish list keeps growing every! 


How tedious it is to replace spindle once TT is fully assembled (still waiting on plinth). More specifically, will I need to flip the TT upside down? I am considering Classic HiFi updated oiled brass spindle. I’m also torn between the two platter options, they both share similar traits in built i.e. aluminum grade, central bush and base are increased to give more mass to reduce the spindle noise. Would love to hear your take, 

1) Shindo Style Upgraded Platter vs

2) Aluminium Platter std size but 3mm thicker finished in Satin Black


I am still searching for isolation feet, are you by any chance using Track Audio isolation feet’s? 

Thank you! 


I've used the Precision Audio Components 20mm oversize aluminum platter on 2 tables. It's the one sold by Classic Turntables. It brings improvements to bass, and soundstage size. I use the SPH bearing. Reviews indicate it sounds better than the CTC one. It's east to fit. No need to flip but access to underneath chassis is required.