I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue

I love to listen to great podcast/interviews with great musicians. Last night i listened to Rick Beato interview Maynard from the great band Tool. Besides being a fantastic conversation, Maynard told Rick the two most influential albums for his music inspiration are Joni Mitchell Blue, and Black Sabbath's first self titled record.

I understand and love Black Sabbaths first record, but I have listened to JM Blue countless times and just don't understand what the hype is. Full disclosure I love female vocalists, and I also love Joni's  Court and a Spark. With that said I have heard many musicians rave about Blue. Please enlighten me-what am I missing ?

The other head scratcher for me is Exile on Main Street by the Stones. Again I have heard many musicians rave about this double album. I don't get it... Beggars Banquet-Let it Bleed-Sticky Fingers are so much better in my opinion, but just like Blue, It seems like musicians much prefer Exile on Main Street.

I know its all subjective...but these are two records I have never learned to appreciate. Thoughts ?


Exile has some great songs on it but it also has a lot of mediocre songs too.  I've always felt it was over rate.  It has twice the number of songs as Sticky Fingers but only an equal number of great songs.

Agree on both counts. Very few 'seminal' recordings have impressed me on their own. I generally believe it is because of my age (50). Many of these records were out and established by the time I ran into them. The techniques and aesthetics had already been adopted into the language of music, so much so that the initial 'groundbreaking' aspects of the record comes off as trite. At least that's what I tell myself. My wife is more blunt - she just says people just have bad taste.

There are still some that make it: Black Sabbath, Violent Femmes, Radiohead Kid A, Nina Simone's Little Girl Blue, Gang of Four. But most seminal records on my list would be considered unknown - Freeborne's Peak Impressions, Pavement's Slanted and Enchanted, Amon Duul 2 Dance of the Lemmings, Mezz Mezzrow & His Band's Blue Note 10", UT's In Gut's House, Neutral Milk Hotel, Rob Jo Starr Band anybody?

I recently picked up a copy of Television's Marquee Moon. Really trying to appreciate it, but still undecided. My first listen at age 13 - I remember thinking - what a boring record. I guess there are worse problems to have. 

I had bought The Exile on Main Street twice, trying to "get it" and failed, except for Shine a Light. To each his/her own. I think the life would be boring if everybody liked exactly the same things. I could be wrong, I have been wrong before.

The reasons why so many musicians mention these albums? Firstly, that Joni Mitchell’s Blue used many unique guitar tunings and sounds while also being such a highly emotional and autobiographical album. It communicated in a highly sophisticated, musical and lyrical way her breakup from Graham Nash (Hollies and Crosby, Stills & Nash) with both the music and lyrics working as one to create a very personal yet relatable album that is a complete musical work of art.

With The Rolling Stones Exile on Main Street is seen by musicians as covering so many genres of music and incorporating their free spirit approach to making music while acting as the pinnacle of all their earlier albums. Basically it’s now regarded by many musicians as their most musically important hard rock album.

Does this mean that Blue and Exile on Main Street are their best albums? From some aspects yes, but from the general public’s perspective not necessarily so.