
Responses from zazouswing

Sometimes you just get lucky
Luckily - I was too lazy to try. Held onto all of them. Original Soft Machine 1 with the pinwheel cover and non-banned nudity, Hendrix, 13th Floor Elevators, bootleg Pink Floyds, Funkadelic, etc. I still enjoy them today - 35 years later. I don’t ... 
Yes. This recently happened to me, but the other way around. Sounded great one day, lackluster the next. I’m not certain if it was mood. At the time, I thought it was the affect of a random playlist. On the good day, a well recorded first song mad... 
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
Agree on both counts. Very few 'seminal' recordings have impressed me on their own. I generally believe it is because of my age (50). Many of these records were out and established by the time I ran into them. The techniques and aesthetics had alr... 
Are You A Disciplined Audiophile?
Wow - another perfectly innocuous topic pulled totally stage left because people didn't bother to read the question and instead twist it to suit their soapbox. I do think 2 months is a reasonable time. I have way too many sources and different ty... 
Weirdest record defect?
Weirdest record defect - the word sheep in Ella Fitzgerald’s Goody Goody - every version. Or - the sibilance in Slim Gaillards Jump Session - 3 78’s from different times and all have the same.   
Weirdest record defect?
I have several modern Merge Records with a variety of problems - distortion, volume drop, unbearable background noise. Honestly, while I like their lineup, I’m at the point now where I will get any pressing that’s not Merge for their artists. I ha... 
The real truth about recordings
Understood and agreed - but maybe it goes without saying. You can compare two television sets - one being better looking than the other - without getting into a discussion about editing. It is a necessary evil. The problem pops up when you try and... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@slaw Barrett is the place to start, in my option. The Madcap Laughs is EMI trying to fit him into a box and present as a traditional band - Barrett is a bit looser and follows Syd’s vision - whatever that may be at the time. All are worth owning... 
where I can buy tubes to my ALLNIC PRE (3A/110A and 3A/109B)
+1 @mwood - what he said. I’ve gotten several dozen pre-war tubes from him over the years. No issues, and they out perform new production any day.    
Question about adjusting the balance
Going back to the untreated room - different tones reflect and build up in a room differently due to different wave lengths. Could it be that lower tones are being reflected and build up on one side or the other while higher tones are being absorb... 
Hum in speakers, and suggestions for stopping it
Have you tried unplugging everything in the shared circuit to see if there is a specific culprit? Put a meter mic on the speaker and walk around unplugging stuff with a stopwatch. If the hum exists in the wall but not through the power plant, my w... 
Are you on or off? What say you?
+1 @sfar.  What they said.    @mahgister You flinched in the last line. “Perhaps” = on  
Speaker placement Quandary
I have the worst shaped house possible. I listen to over 60% mono and any setup with speakers to tight to the back lost depth - and with mono - that is your soundstage. The difference is more noticeable in mono. My compromise was a room dedicated ... 
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
Unfortunately, I think it is song dependent. Lean one way and you find some tracks that make you long for more detail. Lean the other way and your looking for more bloom. Maybe some have more normalized feeding habits than me, but any system that ... 
Cable management....crossing at right angles or
Agree that this shouldn’t matter - other than phono cables. If you’re really experiencing a problem or want to be anal - a little trick from the world of Fire Alarm  notification wiring - where this does happen often and is heard. It requires cust...