Illustrated Encyclopedia of Jazz and Blues, Awesome!

I inherited a few books along with the 4,000 lps my friend left me.

I'm half way thru this one, it's Awesome

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Jazz



another version, Jazz and Blues which I do not have




Any Great Books you want to share?


If you get a chance watch the Ken Burns documentary "Jazz" Very enjoyable. I think he spends a bit too much time with Lois Armstrong and give Bill Evans short shrift, but otherwise does a good job otherwise.  


328 posts


Thanks for sharing.  It really does look like a nice book.  I was disappointed to discover how expensive it would be to buy one considering how long it has been out of print.

used: $2.19 usd

I tried to research types of jazz, but got confused with over 30 types. 
Will this book be helpful?

@kennyc  - Books won't be much help.  Even for an individual jazz musician the music can vary so much from album to album that you just have to listen and see if it's your kind of jazz.  Streaming is very helpful for jazz.  Lots of different albums to try and recommendations for more music with the ones you do like. 

What kind of jazz are you looking for?  Is there anything you've heard that you like?