Denon 3910..What next ?

My 3910 has served me very well. I am getting that upgrade bug and am wondering what to try next that would make spending 1000-1500 worth it.
I want to stay with a universal as I listen to DVD-A,SACD as well as DVD's fed to my CRT TV.I am not looking at HD yet .
I have a A.A. Prima for cd's .
I live in a very small community so auditioning is out of the question.
I would like to go the "used" route .
I have read good things about McCormack ,Lexicon .
Would very much like other suggestions.
I've got a 2910 upgraded by David Schulte of the Upgrade Co. He carries Denon and Esoteric. I'd suggest giving him a call.
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Denon 3910 was my first universal player. I then went on to NAD, Bel Canto, and now I have Linn Unidisk. Thinking back, I think Denon has pretty good performance in SACD and DVD Audio. Also the video quality was top notch.

I haven't used either McCormack or Lexicon. But in order to get significant improvement in SACD and DVD Audio you'll have to spend more than $1500 IMHO. Anything less is likely to be a sideway move.
Since you want to get a universal why not consider the soon-to-be-released Oppo BD-83? I went from a 3910 to an Oppo DV-983 and was quite pleased with its picture and sound qualities. The BD-83 is supposed to match and surpass the 983 and also gives you an entre into the world of BluRay.

And all of this for $599 brand new, pretty hard to beat that deal...

I would say step into a 5910ci. I did trade my 3910 in on one about 2 yrs ago and it is much better machine in video and audio reproduction. I will be selling mine as soon as the DVD-A1UDci hits the market.