How long does it take your tube amp to warm up?

My tube amplifier has about 12 tubes and takes a couple hours for it to open up and sound really good and comfortable to listen to. Always wondered why it takes so long for a tube amplifier to warm up and what’s happening during this phase.

If I left it on for six or seven hours would it sound even better? I normally don’t leave it on for more than four or five hours.

How long does it take your amplifiers to warm up?


     When a system is first energized; everything from the source to the speakers is, "warming up" and will perform best after a couple discs are enjoyed.




Even solid state machines will sound better after they are fully warm up. I always keep my SS preamp and clock (for the source equipments) up all the time.

Please let's not keep the equipment on all the time. There is a need to be somewhat concerned about environmental issues.


Please let's not keep the equipment on all the time. There is a need to be somewhat concerned about environmental issues.

Oh brother....🙄