My Triton Ones are being delivered to me tomorrow

I bought a pair of Triton Ones on Wednesday and they are being delivered tomorrow morning. I was extremely impressed by the demonstration and promptly bought a pair. This is the first time in years I got something new, in a sealed box. I am excited and won't sleep much tonight.

I really loved the ribbon tweeters sound but I am wondering if it may bother me over the long haul? I always feel this way when putting something new or different into my system, I guess it's the typical audiophile way of thought. These speakers are replacing a pair of Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers which I am selling in a classified. It will be interesting to compare the two tomorrow before I pack the Von Schweikert's back up.

I just wanted to share my enthusiasm.
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" - Albert Einstein
I appreciate your posts.
Chinese may not have many rights still but at least some have jobs and others get nice affordable speakers. I look at it as progress. Glass half full not empty.

Stupid threads on websites should not be taken too seriously.
I have a very good Chinese friend who came here and became a U.S. citizen 8 years ago. She is highly degreed form a Chinese University.
We went to buy clothing for her to bring back as gifts for her friends and family there. She said that even though the clothing we bought all had Made In China labels, none of it is available there.
This is still a Triton 1 thread, not a Chinese labor thread - we're veering off the road and going in the ditch again.
One in five of the earth's population are in China. Their well being and future are extremely important to all citizens. While there is still immense poverty in China, the overall reduction in Chinese poverty during the last quarter of the 20th century thru the first decade of this century ranks as one of the greatest economic achievements in human history. I can't say that there is a direct link between the OP's purchase of the GoldenEar and the reduction in the Chinese poverty level, but I speculate that every export of Chinese made high quality electronics helps.