Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?

In researching SET amps, I have learned a lot more about the sort of high efficiency speakers that they are typically paired with, including single driver models like Omega, Blumenstein, Teresonic, etc.
The advantages of these designs are well acknowledged: coherence, imaging, high-efficiency and so forth.
At the same time, there seem to be equally well acknowledged drawbacks to these designs: Limited bass response, rolled off highs, and a harshness or "shout" in the upper midrange.
Some designers, like Tekton and Zu, seem to take the approach of getting the best of all worlds by joining a wide range driver to a tweeter of some sort. (To some extent, my Reference 3AM De Capo monitors take this approach.)
What I'm curious to learn is whether you think there are any single driver, full range systems that transcend the above limitations.
Eager to hear your thoughts.
Interesting! I hadn't heard of the 4.5's. Seems that they are working on a 4.5 v.2; no details on the Tekton site, though.
Just for the fun of it, I called Tekton yesterday and spoke to Eric Alexander. Very nice guy. I gave him my system and room details (including the SET amp) and he said I was kind of on the borderline but he'd suggest the Lore or Lore 2.0. They are both 98 db efficient... yowza!
I like the Tekton value proposition and they are on my list of speakers to hear someday. Have not had the opportunity to-date.

I did hear a pair of larger Zu's once at the Capital audiofest. THey sounded nice on smaller scale jazz and classical recordings but I was not impressed overall. However the Zu guy conceded to me that the 6 watt or so set they were running off was likely underpowered for certain kinds of music, so the book is still open there for me. Source material was all vinyl.
There will always be tradeoffs. With a well executed single-driver speaker you might not notice the downsides, but they would become obvious if you compared to a good multidriver speaker driven by a powerful amplifier. My two setups: Musical Affairs (single driver) and TAD (multi).
i think Eric prefers the big solid state amps for his speakers, but I've heard of plenty of people driving them with flea watt tube amps. I have driven the Lore S with the Dennis Had Inspire amp - 8 watts? though I prefered the power of my 30 watt push pull, the regular Lores are more efficient. I say go for it. Won't need a sub.
"There will always be tradeoffs."

That is a fact.

Practically, I think the best approach is to minimize the # of drivers. Two drivers done well is enough in most cases. THree can work well also but keep the crossover points out to the frequency extremes as much as possible. The tradeoff is multiple drivers have to be integrated optimally for teh best results. With today's digital processing tools and techniques, its very doable. With just the technology of 50 years ago alone, a lot harder.