Moved Audio Quest cable to my DAC. WOW

I just moved my Audio Quest power cable to my DAC and noticed a more realistic open and better detail. 

I have always been skeptical due to my electrical engineering wife also noticed a better sound. 

The cable never really made any difference on my JC5 amplifier but maybe as someone else pointed out,  power cords make a bigger difference on up front equipment with less sophisticated power supplies. 

Ordered a linear power supply conversion for my streamer.  Will see what that does. 


I just moved my Audio Quest power cable to my DAC and noticed a more realistic open and better detail. 

Did you replug the cables BEFORE you moved them?

EVERYTHING EXACTLY as before? [i.e. different length that moved the power cables so one is not over the power transformer of another piece of equipment]

Line voltage checked?

Line noise checked?

Heavy load devices also operating? Hair dryer? Refrig? Heat Pump?

Engineers and physicist have beliefs just like everyone else. Selling stuff alters perspective.

Lack of rigor and confirmation bias accounts for most of what the untrained hear.


It’s a curse having an electrical engineering background. It holds you back from getting a great sounding system. You think too much about things, using that hard-learned logic to persuade yourself that things can’t possibly work. I was similarly afflicted, but have now learned to listen first, then having decided if the difference is there, and is tangible and worthwhile, then use that engineering background to work out what’s going on - how can that work? You have to think outside the box too.

I have a much better sounding system now, and better understanding of what matters.

the awkward middle ground, the 'never-ever land', related to this discussion is the (fair and scientifically well established) argument that when our minds are very strong, and can affect our senses and our perceptions, so sometimes if we are not careful we hear what we want to hear

so if we are not rigorous and careful in how we evaluate a system change, we can and will fall into this trap of sorts -- i think this is an important factor that many in the industry take advantage of, when it comes to selling 'improvements' 



What AQ cable are we talking about here? And what DAC are we talking about? And what streamer are we talking about?

Hi Mr Curious

AQ cable is  1 meter length,  Don't remember the model but cost about $150 . Again middle of the line is my method. DAC is a D90SE. 

My comment was concentrated on power cables and not type of equipment. 


Everyone has their favorite brands and preferences and I don't want to go there.