Shunyata Delta or Alpha V2 NR vs. AQ Hurricane HC

Anyone ever compare these cables on the amp? I’m pretty happy with Hurricane but wondering about the latest Shunyata.
Any thoughts?


@dilatante yup over 200hrs drawing current. Don’t like it. I’ll continue exploring. 
Going to run a dedicated line soon and will see if it changes things. 


You will always have to run a dedicated line for your hi-fi audio setup back having said that with a dedicated line won’t change the tonality of your system, he’ll only improve the overall performance of your system. It will be quieter so it will let the music emerges from darker blacker and pink hear background which will affect other areas in sonic qualities as well. So if you said having the Shunyata Alpha NR V2 cord made your system sound leaner and cooler having a dedicated line won’t change that. 

My townhouse is a new build, 5 years old, with new overhead wiring and a new transformer only 20m from my house in a gated development.

The sound I get there is free of hash and I use a Plixir 3000 power conditioner which doesn't filter. It's a big power reservoir. My amp goes in the wall.

On the contrary my house in the country has an ancient 3 phase mains power supply and the transformer is about 1km away. Even though the house and internal wiring is only about 18 years old, I can't get a sound anywhere near as good as my townhouse.

Just saying sometimes it's out of your control.