Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?

Interesting read here about the state of vinyl. Personally, I had no idea what the percentage of vinyl sales was “merchandise” never to be opened or played.





I think you've made my point; corks are not going anywhere and neither are vinyl records. 

Most wine sold is fairly cheap and forgettable, and most of that may well be screw-cap eventually, but there will always be a huge selection of finer wines that will choose to use corks, your comments on aging (very astute) notwithstanding.

Most music released today is streamed, yet the bulk of that is also released on vinyl because a certain percentage of the audience appreciates the quality. 

Books vs. ebooks are another analogy to vinyl records, maybe a better one... e-readers could hardly be much better than they are now, yet books still seem to hold their place.

Sellibrate…the end of the age of records and let your dealer sell you ancient recording technology. The Voyager golden records have already left the solar system, so the writing has been on the proverbial wall for some time.  Have confidence that future aliens will revive the technology.

I just asked my 2 kids, 28 and 31 years old if they have any friends that listen to vinyl.  I'm laughing for real; so far my daughter told me that her friends buy albums as artwork.  I had no idea!  I've bought quite a few recent pressings and like the different color vinyl pressings these days .  I look at them and say to myself "that's pretty" and put 'em on my turntable.  I'm waiting for my son to respond.