AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........

i found this website....

looks like the guy who does the reviews plays with a pink panther figurine all the time... its a okay movie...but i dont like it too much. the reviews are so hard to figure out. i am lost for words and not totally understanding what i am reading. basically it seems like he does not like most of the audio products.

can i get AMAZING sound quality for only $50 ? my bank told me i cant make any wife took control. now she is not talking to me. and she locked my bedroom drawer with a little more cash. but i have $50 so i can buy something online for my JVC earbuds...i have the JVC Gumy PLUS. the sound quality is premium but i want more. i am thinking of a DIVORCE. if my wife is not going to CHANGE!!

can someone help me find a good value audio product. i need some help. also the audio store told me "do not return" i dont know what is wrong with them. i said they were not very helpful. then the MANAGER said how can I HELP YOU?? i said...i have a team of audiophiles already helping guys...

please help. thank you.i am so greatful.


The Benchmark is a great piece that is everything it's advertised to be.   Again, another product that's measurements approach the limits of testing.   Show me one paragraph where they praised it's sound quality.   I bet you can't  because they are all about numbers.  

Yes, ASR is about numbers.And I think its consistent testing has a place as a means of comparison. However, I get that it is not a resource that is for everyone.

Numbers don't explain everything we hear/sense. Some day maybe we will be able to measure what is currently unexplainable. 

objective and subjective sources help me make informed decisions.


Just think of all the money you have saved.



Paying attention to objective investigations of various type of gear has been very useful, as have my own occasional blind tests, in saving me money and angst sometimes.


As for not hearing a difference in cables, you either don’t have a revealing system or you just can’t hear this kind of differences.

I own, and have owned, many highly detailed revealing speakers, from Audio Physic to MBL Radialstrahlers to Thiel flagships and currently Joseph Audio Perspective 2. My Benchmark DAC and Benchmark Preamp are measurably among the most transparent audio devices you can own.

I make my living using my ears in post production sound. Think you could subtly balance the sound of 30 tracks at a time while identifying the a tiniest artifacts that will be picked up by a mixer?

It’s not a job for people with poor hearing acuity for differences and details.

So..nah... :-)


Show me one paragraph where they praised it’s sound quality. I bet you can’t because they are all about numbers.


Sure. From Amir’s review of the Benchmark preamp/headphone amp (same as mine, but with headphone outputs):


Headphone Listening Test
As usual, I started my testing with the Sennheiser HD-650. You guys know that I like to test headphone amplifiers at high volumes. Even if it is for a second or two, I try to up the volume to max to see whether the headphone or the amplifier give out first. Not here. I was too scared to get even close to -10 dB let alone +15 dB range the HPA4 has! The sound had incredible authority with superb bass and fantastic detail. It is a revelation to have this much clean power on hand to drive a headphone.



That's great Amir likes your preamp,  but there is a lot of crap they love over on that site so to use it as a barometer for what sounds excellent is silly.    They trash some really nice gear and praise a lot of Chi Fi ......