Best turntable under $4000

I am looking to take the next step in my analog journey. I currently am using a Fluance RT85 with ortofon 2m blue. I have a Rogue Audio cronus magnum iii. I am running them with Kef 104/2 's. Fluance seems to get alot of hate on here. I was considering a cartridge upgrade but I am hesitant to upgrade more then the cost of the table. I don't hear much background noise and like the sound. I guess I am wondering if I don't know I hear noise because I have not heard a turntable that eliminates that noise? When I went from my Onkyo to my Rogue Sphinx iii I realized I had been missing a whole lot of sound. Then I ditched my rebuilt EPI M150's and heard hidden instruments in tracks I have listened to for years. I am looking for that in a turntable upgrade.  Apperance is important. I have interest in the following:

Clear Audio Concept Wood w/ maestro v2

Mofi fender precisiondeck w/ mastertracker

Stretching my budget is:

Dr. Feikert Volare no cartridge

Gold Note Pianosa no cartridge

These take me out of my budget once I get a cartridge

Any other reccomendations 

I will miss the autostart function for those buzzed listening nights. I would like the 4k to include a cartridge. Any opinions are welcome. Anyone think I should say screw the "rules" and get an Ortofon black?


Thank you in advance


Get a Thorens TD1600 and the 2M Black. Because it has a proper isolation suspension and a beautifully designed tonearm it will out perform the other turntables you mentioned. It is handly the best value in a less expensive table. The next step up would cost you $10K.

Technics 1200 G. nothing else comes close.

you have to break down the functions of a table and form becomes low on the priority list (although the G is not bad IMHO, certainly not a deal breaker).

1) Immunity from vibration -CHECK-. No wall mounts or aftermarket isolation devices needed) 

2) Speed stability and accuracy.  -CHECK-  People underrate the effects of truly accurate speed accuracy and stability.  The G's accuracy and stability give you peace of mind and a more energetic, dynamic sound. 

3) Cartridge support and adjustment- CHECK- The G magnesium tonearm can support the best cartridges money can buy.  

4) Reliability. - CHECK- Technics decks are bullet proof and last a lifetime.  

5) Ergonomics.  - CHECK- Operation controls, cartridge installation, cartridge and tonearm adjustments are simple and straightforward.  

Thorens TD1600. @mijostyn is dead nuts on with this one, and I rarely agree with anything he posts.  

I appreciate all of the feedback. I realize that "best" is subjective to opinion. I will re-frame my question. Do any of these tables have red flags? Is one mechanically superior to the others? I am very attracted to the Mofi, but am I paying for the fender logo and it is actually an inferior turntable? I am looking for opinions so I can get my choices down to two tables to demo.

Thank you all.

I think your safest bet is Clearaudio - as in no red flags. I like the Gold Note's killer looks.  If you are looking for upgradability and reliability, Linn is a great brand too.