Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to

Norah Jones is the darling of Jazz and Audiophile press for a few years.  I've heard her albums, maybe even bought one.  Look, being a musical artist is hard as hell and I can't do it, but I realize in listening to others talk about her that I'm missing something special while listening to her.

Please, without wanting to pile on her, if you love her tell me why.  What has you going about Miss Jones that makes her a standout? No wrong answers.


I think Nora Jones proves that anyone with a resaonably good voice can become a start if the "machine" gets behind them.  She has a musical predigree, she's easy on the eys and a resonable singer/songwriter.  But worthy of stradom?  I've never found her that special.  For that I go to Joni Mitchell, or Phoebe Snow, or Linda Ronstadt, or KD Lang, Ella Fitzgerald, or Ruth Brown .................  there's just so many.  IMHO

Norah Jones is what most musicians would consider the real deal, why?

  1. Excellent vocals and unique tone and timbre 
  2. Excellent songwriting 
  3. Excellent playing of various instruments particularly piano
  4. Excellent recordings of her material and bands
  5. Excellent performer live without relying on auto tune or other musical tricks

Outside jazz circles incredibly underrated in my opinion especially for her songwriting. Makes difficult music seem incredibly simple, when it’s just the opposite. Maybe a little too laid back in performance but not in the energy she puts into shows. Worth looking on YouTube at remake of first album that was shown earlier this year. 


to me Norah Jones was a fad (again and again) that can easily slip back up and make me fall in love with her voice again, but I don't listen to her more than a few hours a year. She is very talented, versatile, down to earth, and never takes herself too seriously, a lovely person with a great voice.


I tried Diana Krall a dozen times, and failed, I don't get it. Never enjoyed a moment of it.

Come away with me is definitely a standout album vocally, musically,song wise with audiophile production and sound , I don't think any of her other albums match it.