What's the oddest thing in your music collection?

For me, it's a CD titled "Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin".

Yes, it's Led Zeppelin songs played by The London Philharmonic Orchestra.

It's actually quite interesting, to me anyways. For a review and sampling the music, see:

So, what's the oddballs in your collections?



I've a 'sampler' CD of various Houston bands received at a street festival, mostly ok stuff, no stand-outs but...

One is a 'bluesy' sort of thing, reminiscent of 'Cocaine' in it's rambling way.

It's hidden 'surprise' is that it 'skips back' randomly, much like a LP, but it stays within the song itself.

You can play it for hours....the skip can be a few seconds, a minute +/-, no real pattern....

Literally, this song goes on potentially forever until your player breaks or a power fail.  No visible damage or dirt, I've checked.

I've thought of putting it on during the later part of a good-sized party as background sound .... to see if anyone would notice...

16” and 20” transcription records. I’ve collected a few hundred over the years. They are transcription discs the DJ’s use to - among other things - have enough time to go to the bathroom I imagine. Some are V- Discs, some are live, and some are just a few songs per side with commercials. Always fun to put on a 20” record - make you feel like your shrinking.