Harman Kardon HK990 Question

I pulled this amp out of storage the other day and hooked it up.  For the 1st time since I bought it, it occurred to me there is no way to bypass the high and low pass filter section when utilizing the subwoofer outputs. When the sub outputs are turned on, the setup process forces you to select a crossover frequency, even if you want to manage your bass via other options.  If any of you guys are still using this amp, how do you address this issue?  I guess I could just hook the subwoofers up to the preamp outputs.  My subs don't have high level inputs. 


Thanks guys. 
This one comes up a lot. When I bought a Melody tube amp with no pre or sub out I knew there had to be a simple solution. Not wanting to reinvent the wheel I decided to consult the brain trust here. Even put it in tech talk where it belongs. Stated very clearly that I was not going to change amps, just want to connect a sub. 
The only responses I got were buy another amp (!), don’t try (?), you’ll kill yourself(!!) and even if you unplug and turn off you will still kill your self because it’s lethal voltage. Even turned off. And unplugged. 
Somewhere on one of my system pages is a picture of the extremely simple and effective mod. Two resistors. 
Seriously, this is a truly cheap easy and simple mod. Search my system pages there should be pictures. I even made one with the resistors crammed inside the end of a RCA bulllet connection. That one is slick, bare wires at one end for speaker terminals, RCA at the other for the sub. 

MC I see your system hasn’t been updated. What speakers are you using now? Still the Tektons? 

Yes, thank you. Been busy, a spring cleaning with comprehensive system update is long overdue. An unexpected and very pleasant benefit of taking pictures and documenting the system is being able to view and study. One might think that with the system being right there in the room this couldn't really happen. But what I found is the angles needed to show what is going on are quite a bit different than one normally views things from. One reason I hate taking pictures is the odd angles are hard to get right, get lit, and so on.

But then once this is done the pictures are a lot easier to study than the real thing. I notice details that I never did before. It is a lot easier to plan changes studying pictures this way.

So over time a lot of changes have been made. Everything still pretty much where it was, but those few details that have changed are a world of difference. 

Mainly though, in terms of components, it is now Soundsmith Straing Gauge, Rens Heijnis 24V DC modified gain stage, Soundsmith Allegri Reference, Pass XA25, Tekton Moab with Millercarbon crossover upgrades. Wires are Townshend F1 interconnects and speaker cables, M101 Supernova power cord, and a couple Synergistic power cords, all spring isolated on Cable Cradles, Pods, and Podiums.

At this point, if I may channel Ron Swanson, then I would say, "I worry that you think I said "a lot". lol.    


@millercarbon so what ever happened to the Raven Blackhawk you endorsed and well obsessed over?