Who has heard and can comment on any of these brands??

Sound Kaos

Audio Physic 




Interesting. I listened to a Classic 10 Sunday and found it to be

one of the most musical speakers I have heard. Maybe good sync/bad sync deal.


Audio Physic.  Definitely produced good speakers.  That was 20+ years ago.  Can't speak to them now.

For a long time I had rather small Audio Physic (Yara 2) speakers until last year. Amazing soundstage for that price. A friend owns a bigger pair and what I heard was just great. Definitely worth checking out.

I wanted Audio Physic Virgo for some time but settled for more affordable Tempo 25 which I enjoyed for several years. Then I went shopping for subwoofers to go with them, came across a trade-in pair of Codex and bought them instead, They are fabulous speakers in every way: exceptionally well-delineated deep/wide stereo image, great dynamics and wonderful bass reach, as well as impressive timbre and tonality across the range and the speakers themselves almost disappear. And very nicely made and finished.

Mine are the original model, AP recently released an update with spider-less midrange drivers for which they claim even better sonics and lower distortion. I haven’t heard them though.

sound|kaos speakers look wonderful, but I haven’t seen/heard them in real life. I’d love to try their RiPol sub-woofer in particular.

I have had a pair of Audio Physic Virgo III loudspeakers in my system for the past nine years. While every other component has “come and gone” multiple times, the speakers remain. They’re reasonably easy to drive, very balanced in terms of the frequency response/spectrum, and once set up properly, image like crazy. The one thing they will not do is provide exaggerated/bloated bass response.

A physical attribute that drew me to them is the front profile. From the listening position they present more like a monitor (smaller footprint), rather than a large box. I do not have experience listening to other Audio Physic models, so nothing to add/contribute there.