Making a Set of Mapleshade Jumper Cables for a Stacked ESL 57 Set Up

My DIY Frames are nearly ready to allow my ESL 57's to be stacked.
I plan on continuing using my Mapleshade Excalibur Double Helix Speaker Cable, as this has impressed me above all previous speaker cables used.
I need to use Jumper Cables to connect the 57's together on either channel.
Ideally this will be the same spec Mapleshade Cable.
The Cables at present have, what I will refer to as approx 5 feet of excess cable length, when the system is set up as it is, the Monoblocks are flexible in their positioning, to the the point that a 3 feet cable can be used.
Has any body on Audiogon reduced the length of a Mapleshade Speaker Cable Successfully ? 
I am believing the Mapleshades can be reduced in their length, by being Cut at the end that attaches the the Amplifier.
The Original Cable will require a further reduction of about 1.5 - 2 inches of the Green Wire to allow for a Gold Leg to be produced for terminating to a Speaker Binding Post.
The Off Cut Jumper Cable will require a reduction of the Green wire at both ends, to produce Gold legs to connect to two sets of speakers binding posts.
Will the Green wire on the Off Cut Jumper Cable require a termination that attaches to the Original cables Green wire,
Or will the condition created, that the Jumper Cables Gold wire leg, that will be sharing a connection at one speakers binding post with the Original cable and making a continuity be enough to keep the cable functioning as designed. 
A unusual set of questions, hopefully somebody has tried something similar to Bi Wire speakers with their Mapleshades,.
This is a rewrite of a earlier post that I had a Title misspelling I could not correct.    


@pindac Did you ever complete the stack? Please consider adding your components to Virtual Systems. 

I have had the Stack in use since this period, I have occasionally taken them out of use as a Stacked Pair, and used the bottom Pair only, when returning to the Stacked Array, there is a little extra on offer of all the traits that make a 57 attractive, in my dedicated music room, the Stacked Array is the more attractive option.

Additionally, I have a Audax HD 3P Piezzo Tweeter in a Cabinet Speaker I have owned for a long time. The Upper Frequency Presentation of this Speaker is awesome and more than attractive, experiencing this really shows where the 57's can be benefitted with a sympathetic introduction of a Tweeter. If the blend could be produced to be seamless, and of the quality of the HD 3P, the 57's would be a serious contender to a vast range of Speakers.  

I lean more toward Transparent as a replay from a system, which is not easy to achieve as a Valve Person but had to get the Tannoy's out on occasion to be used with Blues Music, Cabinet Colouration from the Tannoy's and the Blues are to my ears a match made in Heaven.

The Mapleshade's as a Speaker Cable are Superseded by a PC Triple C Wire Speaker Cable, which has proved to be an Upgrade to the Cabinet Speakers as well.

When back in the game, I do intend on exchanging the internal wiring within the Cabinets to PC Triple C.

Due to a Home Remodelling, I am reluctantly and slowly putting the HiFi System into storage. Temporary accommodation beckons.