When using ethernet for hooking up streaming devices and dacs, what cat level of  ethernet cable should be used. Is there any sonic improvement by going to a  higher dollar cat 7 or 8 cable?


After a 48hr spin of playing music off and on with my new cables, I swapped back just to check what's what. Gone were the crisp, clearly defined details. Gone was the soundstage depth. But most noticably, gone was the tone of the sound. Guitar sounded underwhelming and piano sounded completely flat. Needless to say, I spent about 30 minutes with the old cables before yanking them out and replacing them again with the BJC. While others have not heard a difference, I'd say good for them to not need the upgrade. In my system, it made a world of difference. I still prefer my vinyl setup for the tone and balanced presentstion, but the digital side is getting better with every small improvement. My $40 investment in ethernet cable is doing far better than buying a dac worth $40 more than my current one.

Sorry you had to doubt yourself but at least you went and soldiered up to make sure and it turned out your hearing is just fine. Always trust your ears and avoid the professional naysayers. 

All the best,


...getting better with every small improvement...

I have a system where a myriad of small improvements have given significant improvement to my digital system.

Black Ravioli Pads, Synergy Research fuses, Akiko Audio products, Audience cables, Triode Wire Labs ethernet cables, Schumann Resonators, mains purifiers, LAN Isolators, Mad Scientist USB cable, fo.Q tape, digital cables, modded network switches, linear power supplies, grounding boxes, Add Power products. 

Improvements before I added a new streamer, Dac, DDC,and  external clock to the mix.

I do find it very interesting how the "anti ASR" crowd on this forum posts claims and articles "supporting" their perception at a fanatical pace, and when someone posts actual information about how Ethernet works, they can't be bothered. 

Another common misconception here is that UpTone and others on this forum is under the impression that the electrical signal is carried through equipment. It is not. It's a point to point going from the transmitter to the receiver. The network receiver reads the electrical signal, but it doesn't actually do anything with that signal, rather creates an aggregate (the Ethernet Frame) of the electrical signal in the digital domain instead the network interface card. 

Anyway, keep on doing what you want, but none of you have posted anything that can show a theoretical improvement of sounds quality when you upgrade a cable. And you never will be able to, since it is not possible.