New Oppo DV-980H

I have just ordered the new Oppo DV-980H for budget two-channel music playback. It will replace my excellent DV-970HD I hope (as long as it sounds better)!

I will write a report after it has burnt in.

Anyone else using one yet? Got any set-up suggestions for stereo playback?
Someone mentioned a clicking sound. I have a small clicking noise between tracks. Not mechanical as it comes through my speakers. Not real loud, but it's there every time.

I have another issue with a couple of DVDA's that I have. Both are Santana DVDA's. I have a few other DVDA's and they work fine. My SACD's, HDCD's and RBCD's work fine as well.

Problem on one disk is that it will not diplay the titles and the screen gets pixelized. I am able to get it to play and can also see the photographs, but but not the titles.

On the 2nd disk it will play the titles, but hangs up after certain tracks.

Both disk are practically brand new. As a matter of fact, the one disk was brand new.

Not a big deal, but I'm curious none the less.

The small pop between tracks is more of an issue. Do you guys here this pop? If not I may have an issue and may need to send it back for a new unit before my trial period is up.

BTW, anyone read they're coming out with a 983? New video chip as I understand it, and the price is up as well.
Yes it does decode HDCD, and it a universal player. For the money, its a no brainer!
i also have the clicking sound... sounds like a needle to record sound. if you do report this to oppo, please do let me know what response they give you.

Chrisdor3, that is a perfect description of what I'm hearing. The thing is that I like this player so much that it's really only a minor annoyance to me.

Just the same I think I will give them a call and ask.

Anyone else have this same issue? Also, have any of you had issues with any of your DVDA's that I've had?