You're overbudget on gear, one more thing...

Save yourself the time and just click the button. Good stuff there. It's not gonna sound great without this caliber of pressings, so DO IT!

I have a good chunk of that list, but I have a feeling I would be hearing crickets If I did such a listing. Acquisition wasn't as easy -lots of bin diving. If you have a $50K+setup, no big deal.



If there's an angle to be exploited, it'll be found on this site. If P.T. Barnum were alive today, he'd be selling on Audiogon.

Poor guy won’t live long enough to dump that God knows how worn out stuff. Time is precious and not renewable. Welcome to the fast pace digital world, and good luck with your dump. Lol


Hot stampers are usually identified by owner hoping that it is a hot stamper so one can mark things up.

business works if you find stupid consumer. USA has culture of foolish consumers.
It's okay to get lucky sometimes.

I suspect that what happened to a record AFTER the stamper is more important. Like storage, use, equipment, cleanliness, that kind of thing. But what do I know?