$25k speakers, are we there yet?

ASR members walk away. For the rest of us.

These big expensive speakers really do need the stars to align for us to ever reach their potential so when my last speakers didn't do well with the source I had instead of upgrading the source I swapped speakers. What do you need to hear/see/know about your speakers to take the next step and build a 20 year system around them?


@bigkidz +1

(I don’t also think that room treatment changes the direct sound.)


What do you need to hear/see/know about your speakers to take the next step and build a 20 year system around them?

I think if you are near NJ, then you have a solid offer from BigKids.
If you are elsewhere, then there are other good places.

I have heard some great speakers at $5K, $10k, $20k and $40k.
I am, totally confident that I could put together a great system from any of them.
So it doesn’t matter a whole lot as they generally do not have  much in the way of flaws at those price points.

I am really looking hard at a $5k set, in fact I am pretty committed, but it all went a bit sideways.

Yeah we still need front ends, and room treatments are seldom a bad thing. Minor treatments can sometimes even pass a WAF test.

I am not a fan boy of Vandersteen speakers but we have the 5As and 7s in the room.  With our components, they sound better than I have ever heard them at a dealer.  We also have Sonus Faber, Vivid, and Horning speakers.


All are welcome to come for a visit and bring a component or two.



New KMD Orchestalls Reference speakers from South Korea are a Major-Breakthrough for speakers. 

 "The world's first speakers that sounds like LIVE MUSIC"


 More info on You Tube too

I prefer great-sounding speakers over 25K ones. If you pay that much you better understand a bit about loudspeaker design. If one DIYs at that price point you have near unlimited options. If you buy new you are limited to most likely a tower or bookshelf maybe a big maggie or K horn. Sure other options exist if you search them out and are in the know but most will end up with what I suggested. How boring is that?