Turned back into a music lover

If you can delight in the many wonderful subtleties of a performance instead of listening for audio thrills you’ve turned back into a music lover. The behemoth that is your audio system tempts you mightily. But if you can somehow evade that temptation, you can fully enjoy music again.


My intention was not to put down seeking good sound, or say music and sound are mutually  exclusive. Rather, I’m pointing out that once you’ve ACHIEVED good sound, the next step is to enjoy the music and not obsess over how your system sounds.  Concentrate rather on how your good sounding system ENHANCES the glories of the music your playing.

Listening must be learned, acoustically and musically speaking...

Listening acoustical experiments has nothing to do with upgrades obsession...

Listening music can even be internalized and without sound....

Consumerism marketing programmation  explain the rest and lack of creativity and thinking too...






Talk CLassical does have a "subforum" called Hi Fi, but it isn't very active.  And some of the posters there beat anyone here for know-it-all arrogance

Having  known many 1st class Classical artists  it was painful for me  as they put their  all year after  year,

When you throw all you have for years the stress is  unreal  be you a soldier 

or a pianist  !

I am very  happy  that rvpiano  came thru  without PTSD ,(no joke)

i usually listen to music to enjoy music, decompress, clear mind of all else, revisit a particular artist to experience his/her/their brilliance - in effect this is 'the harvest', the reward of all the effort made to build a very nice sounding system...

interesting thing is with streaming, i'd probably rate my time listening to saved music/favorites about 2/3’s of the time, the other 1/3 is spent discovering new music, perhaps an older album of an artist, or their new work, or a recommended new artist or album entirely

since there is a good amount of time listening to new music, i must admit that i get thrown back into ’listen to the hifi and not the music mode’ as i can be struck by how some may be well or poorly recorded.... listening to new music, one is more in evaluative mode, seeing if the music is enjoyable, and the sound of it is part of that

so actually this aspect is somewhat cloudier than it was before, listening to cd’s or lp’s from the established collection... of course, i would get new lp’s or cd’s in those days ... but much less often than i am discovering new music these days