Amplifier for Sonus Faber Cremona M

Hi Everyone,
Heard the Sonus Faber Cremona M's today and really liked them. Compared them to the lower cost Sonus Faber Luito, same priced Martin Logan Montis, and the more expensive B&W 802's. I preferred the Cremona M's to all of them. Great speaker to look at and listen to. Wondering what your thoughts are?
Also, looking for an amp to drive them. Was thinking of the McIntosh 6900 integrated amp w/tuner card. Is this amp good enough for the Cremona's? Any other recommendations in the 7-10K price range tube or solid state?
Thanks guys
Thanks guys for your responses so far. I made the mistake of saying McIntosh 6900, I meant to say 6600. Anyways, the 6900 would be great too if I could find a nice used one.
@Stevecham, The B&W's were hooked up to by far the nicest McIntosh gear in the room. Monoblocks and I believe solid state pre. The ML's were also hooked up to McIntosh, but it was a one piece 3 channel home theatre amp and home theatre pre, albeit still expensive. Sounds like an unfair advantage for the ML's. But the SF Cremona M's were only hooked up to a Marantz PM 15S2 integrated amp and matching CD player. Even though the Marantz's price tag was much cheaper and I would think not equivalent to either of the McIntosh set ups, the Cremona M's still sounded the best to my ears. I think the Marantz was good enough to showcase the Cremona M's strengths.
@Jallen, Quicksilver always intrigued me but there are no dealers around here.
@Vgrubb, same goes for Pass, no dealers around. I really need to make it to some shows!
@Rudge, heard the Pathos Classic One Mk2 before. I assume that's the integrated you are talking about? I liked it. I have read good things about people using two of them. Something to consider. Although, I might just look into the Pathos Logos then.
Thanks again
A guy I know runs Cremona M with a CJ350 amp and Arc Ref3. In a purpose built listening room the sound is quiet stunning. The system punches well above its weight.

His previous combo Modwright pre and Karan amp was pretty awful, really didn't work well at all.

Make sure you try Pathos, I was sold on the looks and reviews, then I heard them. Not great, both the Classic and Logos were poor into a variety of speakers inc speakers that should have loved them like Zingali.

Good luck finding and amp, lovely speakers when you nail it and they look great.
My Luxman L507 integrated (used straight and with a tubed preamp into the power-amp-direct inputs) was marvelous with my Cremona Auditors. Very lifelike, but not tiring or raw, with lots of solid bass.
FWIW, a few months ago I was considering a speaker upgrade, and a fellow Audiogon member I've come to trust recommended the Cremona Ms as a great match with my McIntosh MC275 amp. He has several systems and can afford a lot more expensive stuff and still had the Cremona Ms with 2 MC275 as monoblocks. Eventually he moved up the Sonus Faber line.

So try and audition the Ms with McIntosh tubes. MC2275 integrated, MC275 as stereo amp, with the upgrade option of adding a second one and using them as monoblocks.

BTW, keep us posted on what you try and what you like. I'm also interested in the Cremona M.
I heard the Cremona Ms a few months ago powered by a Marantz PM8004. It's the lowest-price Marantz integrated that uses their HDAM gain circuit. Even with this 70 wpc $999 amp the Cremona Ms sounded fabulous. The Marantzes with the HDAM circuit are from their Reference Series made in Japan. The HDAM circuits are proprietary gain modules that provide as much as 75 dB gain each, with very wide bandwidth and very low noise. Even the PM8004's amp section has an S/N ratio of 125 dB. The 15S2 is a few notches above the PM8004, and should be a very good match. If you Google around, you'll find that these Marantz Reference Series amps are extraordinarily neutral and linear, yet smooth and musical without of hint of edginess or sterility.

I played the opening Diana Krall's "All or Nothing At All," which starts with a rapid upright bass intro by Christian McBride. The humble PM8004 had total control, speed, extension, and fullness of that passage (and the rest of the song), something I would not have expected from a $999 integrated amp. The 15S2 would be that much better. There are several reasons this combo impressed you and I think the Marantz is one of them. The Cremona M is easily my favorite speaker anywhere near that price too.