Potential Pair of Great Bookshelf Speakers for Sale!

What are they? That is the question. I have a pair of Totem Sky's that I really enjoy. But, for aesthetics, I just purchased a pair of Harbeth P3ESR's in Olivewood Ash. They look fabulous! I haven't had much time to break them in yet, but my first impression of them is positive. But I think the Totem's have more realism in the mid and low bass area. I find my ears perking up on certain music and I'm thinking to myself how great that sounds from a small'ish' speaker. And, I'm not driving them with anything spectacular. I use an NAD AVR with 60 watts per channel and that seemed to be more than enough to get that wonderful sound. Anyway, we'll see how the P3's do in the next few weeks. As to the title of this thread, I'll be selling0  one of these pairs soon. Any comments are welcome.

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Listen to the Harbeths for a month, swap out the totems and make your decision. Likely both will have pluses and minuses and you just have to make a choice. 

Both the wharfedale diamond 225 and the old elac B6 have some of the best bass I’ve heard in a relatively cheap speaker. I would have to agree, pair either one with some high end Amp and source and prepare to be shocked. The other way around tends not to produce very good results. 

I'm in a similar position.  Currently have Wharfdale Jade 3 bookshelf speakers and have been considering Harbeth P3's.  The Jade 3's are really nice in my small room but the P3's shine in the mid-range female vocals that I prefer.  Is it worth switching?  Don't know.  I may have to buy some P3's and live with them for a few months.

Driving the Jade 3's with a Cambridge CXA-81.  Better to keep the Jade's and move to a better amp or DAC?  Just don't know.  PM me if you decide to keep the Totems.

Decisions, decisions! My next step is calibrate my NAD Dirac Live for the new P3’s and listen to them with and without Dirac and see how I feel. I’m hoping the Harbeths are the keepers but so far, I’m not hearing what I used to hear on the Sky’s. ;(