When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.










"Jazz is about as popular as Polka and children's music...maybe less popular, but a treasure for those of us who like it...and I like it a lot."


Mitch Mitchell has always been my favorite Rock drummer precisely because of his strong Jazz influence!  



@bdp24 - the Flamin' Groovies! I first met Roy Loney back in '73 when I was working at a record shop and he worked for ABC Records as an inventory-taker. I did some promo photos of the Phantom Movers as well. What a great guy; so sad when he died a few years back.... Danny Mihm used to hang out with a lot of the same people I did back in the 70's, too... 


Yes, indeed. . . my wife and I enjoyed some wonderful evenings, there. They still offer Jazz occasionally, but rarely anyone we're willing to drive 2 hours+ to see. 



Rock drummers like to tout their Jazz-influenced chops (basically knowing the rudiments), but Mitch Mitchell actually put his to good use (saw him live twice). A current guy doing the same is Steve Gadd.

Earl Palmer is best-known as the drummer on early Rock ’n’ Roll hits by the likes of Little Richard (as well as a lot of Pop studio work, including on Phil Spector recordings, even Frank Sinatra), but he considered (R.I.P.) himself a Jazz musician (he came out of New Orleans). In his last days he had a trio that played in the bar at the steak house (now shuttered) directly across the street from the NBC studio in Burbank where the Tonight Show is filmed. I and a lot of other locals sat in the bar to watch a master at work. My house was two blocks away, so I could walk there.