Sound color with different jumper materials,

Change the sound color with different jumper materials, have you ever tried using solid core copper silver vs multi strand gauge, to see if the high frequencies improve? Currently my speaker wires are plugged into the HF with the multi-strand jumper and gauge going to the LF. Have you ever tried connecting the speaker wires to the LF terminals and using a solid core copper/silver jumper to the HF. What were your results?


If ML says so it must be true.🙃No passive crossovers for me but if I did jumpers  would be solid silver with amp wires to woofer. Have fun

Take two pieces of wire, check the way they were pushed through the extrusion die. Twist 12-14" of # 18 or 16 UP OCC SC copper with .99999 UP OCC Silver. 4-5 twist per inch Clockwise. Put the 2 in an air tube. Twist 8" of the two tubes. Zip-Ty to hold. 

Kitty corner the - + from bottom left to top right. Remember the direction the wire went through the dies and that is the direction of the arrow for reference. Mark the outside of the air tube. Find someone to condition your new cables. You just built the best jumpers you can if your going to go that route. 1-200 hours and you can swap the position where you want. Once you make up your mind, find a good enhancer and treat the ends. Tighten everything and leave it. It only gets better with time.

@helmholtzsoul :connecting the jumpers diagonally will invert the HF driver phase with respect to the LF/woofer. Bad idea, contrary to the speaker designer's choice!

I tried both neotech solid and stranded 12 gauge.I wanted to like the solid but stranded just was my system.Mundorf was recommended to me and was nice sounding...but ultimately went with copper.Ultimately zavfinos were the winners over my efforts.

digsmithd, Zavinos are ~400$ copper-silver.  Anti cable level 5 are ~200$ gold-silver.  May be it is because the lenght is 260 mm for the Zavinos, instead of 150 mm for the Level 5 ?  Any one tried the Level 5 Jumper from Anti cable ?