High quality CDs

Where can I find CDs with high quality recording, specifically classical.. More than 50% of the CDs that I buy with classical music, sounds so anemic and noisy when you crank up. Any suggestions will be really helpful. I prefer physical format over streaming.. 


@clearthinker  then again I .ight be right I never received payment for my reviews as was a common practice around the audio rags. I never had to be validated by some anthers ideas. The 850 and 860 in my opinion were never as good as the press made them out to be either. 




The great thing about getting to a happy place with your system, at least digital replay, is that it is a rare CD that sounds bad.  As digital matures, more information than we ever thought possible gets pulled out of those pits.  I recently randomly pulled two CDs off the shelf that I hadnt heard in years.  The first was a Sony issue, early digital, of the Schuman PC and Quintet with Rudolf Serkin as the Pianist.  Always loved the performance but was utterly blown away after not hearing it for a few years at how stunning the sound was.  OK, the treble hardens a tad when pushed, but certainly amazing for 1959 recording.  The second was a Naxos CD of the Beethoven and Mozart Piano and Wind Quintets and the Mozart "Glass Harmonica" Adagio as a throw in bonus.  Again, my memory of most early Naxos issues was that that  they were dry and not to sonically appealing, but this sounded magnificent.  

   I really treasure my SACDs, Blu Rays and High Resolution downloads, but even plain vanilla Red Book CDcan sound so good as to be completely satisfying

FWIW,  my best sounding CDs....better even than SACD...are HDCDs, if you happen to have a player that will decode them.

I agree! Many CDs produced were from bad recordings or mixing. You never know what you will get.

Most classical CDs sound very good on a good modern system with a good dac and source.  Not always the case in the past.  I’m talking most good quality gear in last few years.  Digital has come a long way.  Old digital hifi gear will no longer cut it in many cases when compared to new.  Best to not fall too far behind.