High quality CDs

Where can I find CDs with high quality recording, specifically classical.. More than 50% of the CDs that I buy with classical music, sounds so anemic and noisy when you crank up. Any suggestions will be really helpful. I prefer physical format over streaming.. 


Vox Alia, BIS, Channel Classics, Harmonia Mundi, Astree, CPO, Chandos, Pentatone. . . there are plenty of labels that do terrific sounding classical recordings.  Even the big labels like Sony, DG, etc. make nice sounding recordings.  Many of the older LPs on such labels as DG sounded pretty crappy to me--thin and bright (e.g., 1970's DG recordings) and actually sound better in CD reissue form.   Classical is one of the few genres where recording quality in the digital era sounds quite good to me.  I listen mostly to my 3,000+ CDs of classical music much more than I do listening to my LPs of classical music.  

Many (but not all) BIS CDs are well recorded and mixed. They are not minimalist recordings but are clean. If you get them as downloads from eClassical.com, you can get a refund if you don’t like a particular release.

Oddly enough, given their origin as the low-priced label, Naxos has released some excellent-sounding recordings. The series of Malcolm Arnold symphonies was recorded by Chris Craker with a minimalist technique. Most of their guitar recordings -- I am thinking of the Laureate Series -- are recorded by Norbert Kraft, himself a fine guitarist and someone interested in minimalist recordings.

There are a lot of good suggestions here for quality CDs. I'd add Erato Records  and Todd Garfinkle's boutique label MA Recordings. Sure, a lot of MA recordings are more in the ethnic genre than out-and-out classical, but they are scrupulously minimally miked & produced, and are recorded in atmospheric, off-beat, interesting locales.

Thank you all so much!!! I had no clue, I had so many choices.. This is awesome!!