Jays cdt2mk3

Just received the jays to replace my Rotel rcd 1572 ( as a transport )

Using the same Rca s/pdif  cable the Jays sounds muted in the highs.

Comments alway welcomed


Ya the amount of information that Transport feeds the DAC is incredible.

I get completely drawn into the music/recording with this thing.


After purchasing a Mark2 that dumped garbage and locking up my QEDX, I purchased the Mk3 board. After the upgrade, the transport sounded dull and two dimensional the first 100 hours. It didn’t even compete against my lowly Oppo. However it open up after an extensive burn-in with XLO track. Even so, if I power down this Jay a couple of weeks, it will take a few hours of playing to weak up. This applies to my unit and in my system. Mileage may varies with yours.


Has anyone compared the Jay’s CD2-Mk3 to the Cambridge Audiogon CXC? (I am anticipating the response. But let me have it.). Thanks. 

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