Looking for a tube phono pre

Looking for a tube phono pre in the 2500 to 3k price range. Currently running a Sutherland Insight LPS. Using a PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated and VPI Prime scout with Hana ML. I have a Chinook on order at Upscale but they are dragging their feet and I have read some reliability issue post with the Chinooks, so I can cancel the order. Anyone compare the Rogue to a Chinook? Thanks


I am not interested in electronic azimuth adjustments. I have test LPs and a Foz to set azimuth, so I’d rather not derail this thread discussing electronic azimuth. 

@jmphotography look for a used NVO tubed phono they don't come on the market much but worth to keep an eye out for one. Super quite and very versatile. 

Yea, you can save a lot of money and get wonderful sound with the Hagerman Trumpet MC. I added 4 Telefunken smooth plate (Dynaco branded) 12AX7’s and 2 NOS Brimar 12AU7’s to mine, and it is very nice indeed. Added to the overall cost, but still under $2k.

After reading @mulveling positive review of the Hagerman, I jumped on one, and glad I did.

Bought used zestos Andros PS I, 2 months ago for $2,200 added new gold lion tubes and its definitely a step above the Manley Chinook.  I know because I had one for a year. Zesto Andros PS1 Phonostage Review