Denver and Front Range furniture maker -- just did my audio rack!

Just a head's up that I had a wonderful audio rack made by Clay Street Woodworks in Morrison, CO. 

He worked with me on dimensions, materials, and it will be both nice and low and rock solid for my rig. Very cost competitive with everything else out there, and custom made. FYI, Colorado audio peeps.


1200 is a damn good price for this. And if you go to his site he shows the joinery used to hold this together, not just notched like Timber nation. 

It might be a bit north of 1.2k, so please don't quote me, but it's really in that neighborhood. Since it's custom (and based on the current prices for materials) all actual information needs to be part of specific conversations. 

Just mentioning this so I don't accidentally set expectations that I should be setting.

*Stare*  " It's still at his shop...." 

* . *  *sigh*

Why does P. Simons' "Slip Slidin' Away" come to mind.....?!

*L*  No, I'm jealous in some lumber, unsullied by nasty audio spikes, rubbers....all that audiophilia kink clutter.... 🤨😜

Too aware re lumber pricing, big part of our trade here....

Enjoy when you get one of those round to-its'. ;) J


Just installed Gaia speaker footers. WOW! Will review in more detail after more listening. Repeat: WOW!