Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.


@serjio ,

Enough of your nonsense. Your last statement is beyond ridiculous.

If you don't care to donate to the legitimate charity of your choice so that we can alleviate some of the misery this unjust invasion is causing, that is your right.

But, do not pollute this thread with what you perceive as your worldly, enlightened views. Start your own thread and see how far that gets you. Your bile is not welcome here. This thread is an exception. It is by special permission that it is allowed. It is not an outlet for your asinine accusations:

"I think you (several people) have teamed up and are trying to seduce gullible people to transfer money to you (supposedly for humanitarian aid) - and then buy something for YOURSELF ..."

It's heart warming to see the majority of the free world backing up the Ukrainian people in their fight against a dictator trying to destroy democracy in their country ! 

The invasion really started 8 years ago when putin took a big piece of land and not many cared alot about it.  The latest attack, one week ago was just a matter of time .

It's a 12 hour drive from my home to Ukraine and we are alot of people in my country preparing to help refugees with accommodation, food and clothes . We are prepared to help every Ukrainian that cross our border!  I am afraid though that this does not end with only Ukraine, if this continues the Russian economy gonna crash and then alot of people from Russia is coming to Europe trying to make a living.. but that's me speculating...

In the meantime I support UNHCR and NRC with monthly transfer. If everyone gives a little, it helps alot  !

I started praying for the protections of Ukrainians, And I ask God to open the eyes Of Puttin crony’s to remain restless until they will topple Him.🙏God is watching and he hears our prayers. So let’s support Ukraine through our powerful prayers.🙏