Denver and Front Range furniture maker -- just did my audio rack!

Just a head's up that I had a wonderful audio rack made by Clay Street Woodworks in Morrison, CO. 

He worked with me on dimensions, materials, and it will be both nice and low and rock solid for my rig. Very cost competitive with everything else out there, and custom made. FYI, Colorado audio peeps.


Thanks, all. @elrod Nat is a super nice person -- he was a gentle, kind, and very supportive teacher to both my children. I hope he flourishes doing something he loves just as much.

Yes, can't scrimp on materials! Good call!

Nicely done, and you entitled to be proud of it, @hilde45.  I'm envisioning a future revision of my current 'support system' ( 1" granite on 2x6 horizontals, 4x6 posts, 2 levels...all from scraps...) into something more 'room friendly', but it can wait for the while...*S*

Enjoy!  And +1 for going local.... ;)

I am sure your system will look great on that rack. Maybe get your woodworker to cut you some of the 2" maple as platforms for the mono amps, attach threaded sockets underneath for leveling spikes or feet.