About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


ask to see a picture of their system and you discover their triggered outrage is nothing more than a smoke screen to obscure the fact they have a poor system.

Well, maybe if you are here on a free forum you can help them out with some free advice.

People will self police when there is a “do not cross this line” policy in place. It forces a “when in doubt, dont do it” mentality.

Worked in a bar in my younger college years with such a policy and they had a reputation for no BS. One fight in the couple of years I was there…it was broken up by other patrons and the two fighters were banned. I dropped in many years later, the place still feels the same, alot of friendly faces and the names of those two guys were still in the spiral notebook. There were only a handful of names listed after theirs. Amazingly, having a standard of behavior works.


Are the banned patrons evil? No but they decided the rules didnt apply….they were wrong. Things escalate without lines in the sand. Ive been guilty of raising my rhetoric on occasion with some who appear to be cultivating a personal confrontation. I would not have if there were enforced standards.

@mapman : I can assure you the vast majority of those people have zero intentions to buy or sell anything here. the "potential" part is close to zero. They are here for the mayhem in the forums only. 

I am more prone to looking for things like a used phono stage than fuses, but there is still probably value in technical and subjective exchanges.

@ted_denney You are egging them on now. Also coming across as an arrogant elitist.

Just my  initial reaction to your post.

the mayhem they create is their hobby, not audio. The next time they’re in the throughs of yet another manufactured outrage, ask to see a picture of their system and you discover their drama is nothing more than a smoke screen to obscure the fact they have a poor system. They also tend to be jealous and covetous. It’s always the same pattern, essentially psychological and personality disorders on full display.