Why exotic stylus not used on MM?

Is the reason why micro line or similar exotic stylus are not used in MM' s because the tonal balance will shift to higher frequencies?


Yes, there have been many MM carts with special stylii. The Micro Acoustics 530MP was a great cartridge in its day.

Dear @meteu  : No, it was not for that. Seems to me that you really don't have an acceptable knowledge level in the overall cartridge issue.


You can browse through google Audio Technica, Nagaoka, Goldring, Ortofon, Sound Smith, Clearaudio etc, etc and look to the top carrtridge MM/MI in its line and you will learn on that subject.


Only as an example the Goldring 1042 use the Gyger S stylus that's the same stype that uses Allaerts MC cartridges that set you back over 10K dollars and similar in VDH MC models too. Yes, the MC ones asks for tigther tolerances/polished in their orders to the stylus supliers and these means higher prices too.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
