Interconnects--power cords?

My system (Conrad Johnson and Vandersteen Quatros) --I have been running Audioquest Niagras--Purist power cables for amp and pre, Audio
Quest Comets bi wired to speakers--Audience Au 24 for CD player---recently added Audioquest Sky--find it fits best between pre and power--but something seems a bit too "airy"--an improvement on the Niagras, but while more clear, also lacking in punch and or--seems as if I cannot achieve clarity and force (?) in my sound. Soundstage is a bit too relaxed. I don't know. Suggestions? Have moved power cords around--the Audience seems to work best with the CD player--since this is all incredibly subjective---just looking for feedback that might lead me down a different and better path.
Bluesnbike1954 - do you have...

- a dedicated power line?
- quality outlets? - which ones
- are you using a power conditioner? (Which one)

If you are using a conditioner - have you tried removing it?

Does your power cables have copper connectors/pins

I have recently found Eichman Silver Bullet rca's on my solid silver interconnects improved spatial image and dynamics. However the interconnects are a very simple design with two solid core conductors making it easy to connect the Eichmans.
If I read your post correctly your discontent began after inserting the Sky IC - I am personally not a fan of silver, have used silver that was too bright, lean, and another instant where it was too dull and lifeless.

Not a fan...have never heard the AQ Sky but have read good things. Some Aphiles swear by silver.