How much “suspension of disbelief do you need?”

We (or most of us) believe that it’s very difficult if not impossible to hear an exact representation of the the sound of a live performance on a recording.
The question is how much do you have to delude yourself into thinking it’s the real thing your listening to, to satisfy yourself.
To some it has to to be as close as possible. But others can make allowances for defects in the sound in order to enjoy the presentation.

‘How much do you need?



I'm always worried my room will smell like Mary Jay if 'they' ever show up in my room. Another concern is what if 'they' are not big on deodorant. Do I really want them to be in my room? 

I close my eyes and fall into the soundstage. 

I guess only when in evaluation mode do I compare. In between upgrade cycles I do the above.

Obviously a recording can never reproduce the dynamics of a live performance. Who in their right mind would expect to have a full symphony orchestra crammed into their room. Even if it was possible it'd sound horrible.

A better test is how do individual instruments sound? A good test can be the saxophone. Is it getting close to a sounding like a live instrument or is it a poor representation?

I just enjoy the the wonderful music and consider how blessed I am to have this system. I enjoy the escape and let the music wash over me. Forgetting about this messed up world for a little bit.