Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.

i debated with myself whether Audiogon was an appropriate forum to talk about these products. a certain number of Audiogon members might like to hear about them, some others might like to take some target practice that such products exist. others just like to make jokes or spout nonsense. such is the way of the ’Gon. to each their own.


both the Wadax Reference Dac and Wadax Reference server arrived last week, and over the weekend i had 8 visitors through my room hearing these new products compared directly with my outgoing MSB Select 2 dac, and my resident server, the Taiko Extreme.

here is a thread with pictures of the Wadax Ref dac and Ref server in my room. scroll down for more pictures.


as a result of my listening this weekend, i have purchased the Wadax Reference dac, and am in the process of comparing the Wadax Reference server to my Taiko Extreme server to determine which one will remain. the MSB Select 2 is outbound on it’s way to a new owner.

the Wadax combo is the best sounding digital music reproduction i have heard, and not by a little bit. they cross thresholds of sounding analog and like good vinyl in ways i’ve never heard before. i am stunned at how digital in my room sounds, how great redbook files i’ve heard for 30 years have now come alive.

happy to answer any questions, or maybe observe a little chaos. let the fun begin.



Hi Mike,


iv also perfered the MSB over DCS Dacs.

I prefer the Playback Design Dreams Series over MSB dacs, i just find the playback design more musically satisfying.


Congrationlation on your Wadax DAC.



for 9 years my digital reference was the Playback Designs MPS-5. i had the first consumer unit ever. Andreas has stayed at my home. he is brilliant.

which MSB dacs did you compare to the PD Dream Series?

Thanks for sharing Mike. Always like learning about the best available.  Love to someday hear your system! 


All reviews I've seen of the Wadax Ref says it is something special. I will never be able to afford it but I am glad someone improves the sound from digital .

Hope it will trickle down some day. Maybe they can license their tech to others?

my Extreme is going to a new happy owner. i'm buying the Wadax Reference Server.

on Friday night my friend Victor, who owns is an MSB Select 2 and is an Extreme owner, came over to assist with the compare. Victor also brought a Gigaswitch and LPS to optimize the copper Ethernet that both the Wadax and Extreme would use. both the Extreme and Wadax server were sitting on Dazia's. we used TAS for the Extreme, and Roon obviously for the Wadax. Emile had optimized the USB driver for the Wadax Reference dac.

we did the compare, first three tracks with the Wadax Server, then those same three with the Extreme. i'm not going to speak on behalf of Victor. but it was a clear choice. we move on. synergy? Akasa Optical link? hard to know cause and effect exactly.

the Extreme/Wadax Ref dac is awesome in every way. the Wadax combo is better.