Integrated Amplifiers - Luxman vs Pass Labs

Hello All,


This is my first post here at Audiogon.

My current amplifier is the Luxman L-550axii and my speakers are the Marten Django L and Coherent Audio 15 (coaxial speakers with 15" woofer and high efficiency of approximately 98db).

I'm contemplating making a move with my integrated.  I'm considering the Luxman 590axii or one of the current Pass Labs Integrated's.  I haven't had a chance to listen to the 590 and I've never listened to a Pass product before and the opportunity just doesn't present itself to be able to demo any at a dealer's or in-home.  

I'm hoping those that have heard both the Luxman and any current Pass Integrated could chime in with their thoughts about them and the direction you would go given my speakers. 

In the future, I may look at replacing the Coherent speakers with Audio Note AN-J or AN-E.  Any experience out there with Luxman or Pass Labs and Audio Note speakers??

Thank you to all who chime in with your experience and thoughts!


I think as we all know & many here said before, the amp / speaker pairing is critical both in terms of efficiency / power needs, actual speaker impedance & of course, your taste. I've owned a Luxman integrated amp before, enjoyed & appreciated tits sound &  build quality. I recently bought a Rogers High Fidelity EFH 200 Mark II tube integrated amp & love it! Very powerful but also has great detail, nuance, depth & seemingly very high build quality handmade in MA. Roger's products are pricey but I think still a good value for you get along w/ a lifetime warranty. If you can try one, it might be just what you're looking for. I think they have a 30 day trial period as well. 

Interesting that you find Pass to be 'lean'.  From all my reading of Pass and their lower end heft, I would have thought it provides a bigger, fuller body to music; which is to my liking.

Me three. That really surprises me, but i've not really heard that product.  It was mentioned that that integrated is speaker dependent. I wonder why?  His designs typically have minimal global feedback, if any, and sufficient drive current.  I will say that i -- for this reason among others _ i always work extra hard to have amps (or amp sections in integrateds) that essentially don't care about the speaker.


Anyway good luck with your quest.  I dont know your speakers but your cursory overview gives me puase and make sme think maybe they ought o be job #1


The 590AXII has been discontinued. A new version is coming out in the future w/many of the upgrades of the 595SE. I heard the 595 back in November at my local dealers store. Jeff Sigmund of Luxman America was there demoing the integrated w/a pair of 10K Paradigm Persona floor standers. I would check around and see if any 590's are available. They are being sold to acquire the 595.

We had the 507 and the coda csib had a bigger sound stage and greater clarity

This unique integrated amp

Is the same smplifier as the award winning .8

For nearly the same price as just the powe amp so it’s like getting a free preamp


The integrated can be ordered as a 150 watt CLASS A amp with the first 8 watts pure class A


If you need more power you can have the amp rebiased

To provide 400 watts of power

Rhe coda is made in the usa with a 10 year warranty


If you are looking for a killer integrated at a great price


Check out the csib

Dave and troy

Audio intellect nj

Coda dealers

The Coda is great but for the money the lights should turn off when you power it down. Looks a bit like a Star Wars prop but a favorite of mine so far. I thought the lack of a volume knob would bother me but over time it's nice to be able to fine tune. It's one I'm sad to have sold. If anyone has a slightly used model or demo please message me.