Does anybody make...

I am looking for a quality preamp where there are multiple, say 3 outputs of the main output, 4 total, each channel with independent volume control... 



I wonder what a Distribution amplifier sounds like. If you want to go inexpensive use a 2496 Behringer. I personally wouldn’t use it for anything other than bass management. It will however let you work out the kinks in a system a lot easier than anything else I know.. 300.00 or so. Cables and amps are required for every XO point. So Lows Mids and highs. I use a passive on mids and highs.. so it works perfect for me. The subs are servos.

I still used the active XO to worked out the model. It made it super easy to make the passive mids and highs XO.
Mine did incorporate LPads in leu of fixed resistors for DB matching..

I think I understand what you want to do? I think..

If you can live with a balance control instead of separate left and right volume pots, most McIntosh preamps will fit the bill.

Thanks all for your suggestions!

The ideal rolling around in the back of my head... a minimalist point of view, not sure if its a good ideal though... I am thinking of using the preamp to control the volume/gain sent to the amps, the amps will have to be somewhat different I suspect to match the speakers I am using, ( my W & M drivers are unique as they are old school field coils 18" & 10", and I am not sure of their sensitivity yet.) I thought about an active xo, and I have a new minidsp here in a box. The less in the food chain, the better, I am thinking, it's a starting point. As I said earlier, I am just considering my options, gaining info, looking at different paths.

This has been a project mired in difficulty, especially since I am not technically inclined, but it's audio and it's my hobby of choice!  Incidentally, I have investigated in using pots aka L-Pads, and have not counted them out, if one can find the proper spec, which is not as easy as you think... 


Thanks again!



"If you can live with a balance control instead of separate left and right volume pots, most McIntosh preamps will fit the bill."

McIntosh does sell the Mi128, which does have volume for each channel, this too, I have considered.
