Mono solves all

If you put a red fuse into a the right channel of a power amp and a blue fuse into the left channel will the amp seize up or explode?

I don't get the joke.  Wouldn't the incompatibility that could result in an explosion be if the blue fuse was in the right channel and the red fuse in the left channel (red=Republican, blue=democrat)?
WTF??? Doesn’t anyone have a sense of humor here?? This moron just sent me a nasty personal note…. Fool didn’t get the joke
Maybe you're not as amusing to others as you are to yourself.
roberttcan sent me a couple of them two weeks ago, made me laugh! I'm glad I'm not the only one. It is the taking of a red pill and a blue pill that causes imbalance and instability.
I thought it was a Matrix reference in any case people around here have a short fuse for fuse humor.