Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please

I ended up buying an Acoustic Signature Typhoon, with a 11" Kuzma 4Point. Now the question is which cartridge I get.
I have a Hana E and M in my current VPI and really like them, but I looking forward to test something else. I like detail without much in your face(?), soundstage and some hint of warmth. 

I saved $4K for a cartridge and I am getting 25% off on any cartridge I want, and do not need to spend the $4k.

I am open to other brands, except Sound Smith which I had in my Bergmann Galder and did not like at all.

My system for the Typhoon is composed of
Tannoy Kensington
Pathos Heritage, or Primaluna 300
Manley Labs Steelhead 
all powered with a PS powerplant.
Thank you
I have a 11“ 4Point and of all the cartridges I used with it, I like my Koetsu Urushi most. Neither Lyra Etna, Kleos, Zyx 4D, DV XX 2 MK II were such a good match with the 4Point.
So in my opinion you can‘t go wrong with the Koetsu Rosewood Signature ;)

Dear @astorfor : I can see that you really don’t read the overall information in the cartridge links I posted to you, look:

the ZYX ultimate Omega is posted directly by the USA exclusive distributor SoraSound.

The Benz Micro and the Dynavector links were posted for a seller with an impeccable feedback after hundreds of sold cartridge operations.

As I told you, any of these cartridges outperforms the Rosewood Signature. I owned the RSP and yes this is at the level of those cartridges and in some specific sound quality performance a little better and in others a little inferior but very good performer.
I’m not trying to diminish the Rosewood Signature but you ask for cartridges inside your budget.

All the cartridges in those links comes with a high discount over its retail price, are cartridges over 5K one of them around 9K and the owner of that ZYX has 100% satisfaction in its feedback.

I don’t care at all, it’s your money but if I was you I never buy the Rosewood Signature against the other ones even the Umami is better. But that’s me.

As I said good luck.

Hello @whart . Good to hear from you!

About the K line, I have heard several people say this as well, that the KRSP is the sweet spot. Mulveling says that the difference between KRSP and stone is not large, but that the difference between boron and diamond cantilever is the place to spend. If I have rendered his views correctly.

Anyway, love the cartridge, but with the cost of rebuilding the d/c, I’m kind of thinking about finding a second stringer. Hence the question about SoundSmith.

Are you sure that your stone bodies aren’t simply revealing what was already there? "Cause I don’t think that my KRSP is making up for anything - just the opposite - it doesn’t suffer error gladly. Every time my adjustment gets finer, so does the sound.

Latest adjustment was a panzerholz wand for the tonearm. I hope to have my take on an air bearing design up in a few months, and then maybe I’ll be in the market for a Kuzma like yours!
@rauliruegas,  first let me apologize to all for my English, English is not my language by far, especially when it comes to HiFi.

I am sorry you are assuming that I did not read your post, becasue I have read and considered every one of the posts.

At no time I questioned the sellers integrity.

I just don't judge people in general, much less those who I don't know, many times to a fault because I always assume good intent.

As I mentioned before, I bought a cartridge that the stone was not properly aligned and could not be adjusted for and the manufacturer and distributor would not help me with the warranty because I did not buy from an authorized dealer.

At the end, I thought that I had saved about ~$1800 but ended losing ~$7800 because the cartridge was deflective, at no fault from the seller because it was a manufacturing defect that could only be seen using a real microscope, and had to be disposed.

The distributor gave me a significant discount in a new one, but a cartridge that I could have bought for ~$10k from an authorized dealer ended up costing me  almost twice as much. 

At a later time I will buy one of the cartridges you suggested but from a dealer. 

PS: I do not believe you don't care, you responded and I appreciate your comments as I do everyone else's.

I ask because I want to hear about other's perspectives and learn as much from other's experiences as I can before I make my decisions.

You are correct, it is my money and my decision on what I buy; but my decisions are influenced by what I learn from asking questions, and considering other's perspectives.
I might decide something entirely different from what any of the people that commented wish I would had, but that does not mean that I do not appreciate their perspective and that their perspectives have not influenced my decision. They did.

If I do not like the cartridge I buy, then I will come back explain what I do not like about the specific cartridge buy another one based on what I learned and from the feedback I get from here.
I will never say that one piece of equipment is not good or better, I comment on my experience which will be entirely different from others.

I have read some of your posts on other threads and it looks like you know a lot and like cartridges. I hope you continue to share your experiences.