Magico A3 price increases 50%+

I have been doing a bit of research in my search for a new Loudspeaker upgrade .
since 2018 The Magico A-3 has gone up from $10k to $15k in 3 years That is dramatic .
and that doesnot even include the better feet they are a $1500 option . They are a good speaker but no longer the great deal they once were , and their Xover uses the low cost Average at best ,
Mundorf Evo capacitors, when they should have at least Mundorf Supreme , and Mundorfs cheapest $2 
Green resistors, the M-resist are only $13 retail  they get over $50% off them in a $15 k speaker going cheap? Having done Xover mods for years . If I find a good used pair ,I will use the Excellent VH audio Odam capacitors , and superb Path audio resistors which are noticeably better then even in their best speakers ,which use Mundorf supreme silver gold oil capacitors  which I have used several times  in the past.

Would, could, should have...

The world moves on. What do you expect if your biggest goal was to not spend money?  

When I was a budget audiophile,  the absolute best deals were the ones that in hindsight were terrific.   :)

Now, the best deals are the ones where I find the product before the rest of the world. It does require opening the wallet, however.  :)

By the time it's like a Magico, its already too late. You will not typically get pedigree, price and extreme performance all in one.  :)

which are noticeably better then even in their best speakers ,which use Mundorf supreme silver gold oil capacitors

I'm a big Mundorf fan
The M SESGO are best bang for the buch, IMHO
Also on resitors, I'm a big fan of Takman Rey metal. 
But again, upgarding caps  ina  xover is only going to give up **minimal nuances**, Its not going to give you a  super speaker. 
Start witha  speaker you REALLY LOVE, then make upgrades in caps. 
I dumped the Seas Millennium tweeter fora  DavidLouis wide band after spending $$$$ in new Millennium xovers, 
The Seas W18's, gave a  better punch with new M caps. So those stay, and feel the new xovers made a  nice gain. 

The A series is entry level Magico, if you want better parts go up the line. Compared to the biggest names in loudspeakers it appears magico follows the same business model 
Mundorf are far from the best capacitors they use double the plastic in their 
dielectric then Anyone which is unnatural have over 15 years experience with them, they are good but tipped up in frequency ,
the VAh audio Odam capacitors are noticeably better balanced and do everything a bit better, and none better resistor wise then Path Audio the best resistor I have used in Xover builds .
as far as no one forcing me to buy Magico ,the statement says it all.
if I got one used for a good price I would then rebuild the Xover with top 
quality parts.,  Today it’s hard to find a top speaker under $15 k  There is no 
speaker that is great in all areas under $25k IMO.
Alto Audio has been getting a lot of press and a very good product at around  $10k The Wilson Sabrina X is a great speaker ,That my brother may sell is another possibility  , some like pin point accuracy, some like more smooth refinement, as well as  as true accurate Bass flat to under 30 Hz not many can ,without a subwoofer at $20 k ,Many  Choices .