Record clamp

Hello Audiogon Forum,
I have a Rega P3 turntable with a Kiseki Purple Heart phono cartridge. I am wondering if utilizing a 5.4 ounce light weight record clamp will add to the sound quality at all or will a record clamp hurt the turntable in any way?
Thanks so much for your input.
I agree! That cartridge needs a much nicer table, ( I am also a current Rega & Kiseki owner and former dealer for both). The P3 is an excellent table, but that Purple Heart deserves better!

I use an Aluminati weight on my P25.  They used to sell them on here.  

The P3 is an excellent table, but that Purple Heart deserves better!
The P3 is an excellent table - for the price. But like others said, you need a P8 or better and a $2k phono amp minimum.
Thank you everyone for your response. My first concern is that the record clamp will not do any damage to the turntable and hopefully add to the SQ. I am surprised to hear that everyone seems to feel the P3 is greatly restricting the phono cartridge although in the future I will consider a turntable upgrade. The progression of upgrading equipment is part of the fun of this hobby. Thanks again.
  "I am surprised to hear that everyone seems to feel the P3 is greatly restricting the phono cartridge although in the future I will consider a turntable upgrade."

The goal is to get that cart to play its best. The P3 won't  allow this. The phono stage should be paramount at this point. IMHO. 

f your playing your P3 with a $3-500 phonstage, you're in for a surprise upping it to a $2k+ model(your future table needs it).

The Rega does not need a clamp. Or rather, a "clamp" may not work on the short spindle. It would need to be long enought for a a rubber washer to dish the record flat with the clamp. The Rega doesn't need a clamp or weight.  
If you want to improve sound quality, the Origin Live Gravity One record weight is the best I have heard, by far. It is also the lightest, and easiest to use. This record "weight" is only about 2oz. Unlike others that clamp or use mass to damp vibrations the Gravity One uses a combination of different materials. It looks and feels and works unlike any other.  

It contacts the record only on a small triangular shaped area near the spindle. The weight itself uses a flexible rubbery type spacer to avoid coupling to the spindle. It effectively channels vibrations generated in playing a record off the record and into the weight without reflecting any of this energy back into the record. Being decoupled from the bearing it is unable to channel any vibration from there into the record. It attenuates all frequencies evenly.  

The result is improvement in transient response, timbre, detail, and extension. Not subtle either. I was shocked how much better it works than my carbon fiber clamp, that was until now the best I had heard.  

I got this with my Origin Live Sovereign MkIV turntable. Tried it on my Teres before setting the Sovereign up. They also make a record mat that uses a similar approach and can be bought separately but on the Sovereign is bonded to the platter or I would have tried that on the Teres as well.  

The Gravity One is a total no-brainer. Record weights by the way, no they will not harm your turntable, platter, bearing, at all. If you are the least bit concerned however then this is by far the lightest one on the market. And most effective.