Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

mapman said:
"Clean connections and contact enhancers are not a bad idea. Just does not cost $350 to do it well. Except for a handful of audiophiles."

Clean connections & contact enhancers are a great idea! I tried them (Deoxit products) on the battery posts of my transports remote that wasn't working... Still didn't work. I then put a small dot of this product on the posts & it now works. Not all contact enhancers are equal. 

No, I didn't buy the product for this particular application
No, this particular application didn't improve sound quality (it's the only time I've used the product where it did not however)  
Put 1/2 t of graphene in 6 ml of gear oil.


I can smell it from here. Gear oil stinks.. :-) But I bet it would work..

Just mix a little distilled water with the graphene dust.


Use Rislone Engine oil treatment (I like the smell) or 3 in one oil if you want it to set soft.

2 oz of dust is 20-30 dollars 5.00 for the oil.. Can make a quart of the stuff for 30 - 35 dollars.

Enough to paint every wire in the space shuttle, TWICE.. :-)
Another vote for the "I hate this hobby" response.

@earlflynn, thanks for the "realistic" tip on the Stabilant 22, going to check it out. 
Millercarbon said

”People who think this kind of crazy impossible to understand stuff cannot possibly work should come hear my system. They would totally freak.”

Only if you were not there ! 
More S… for Yum Yum’s to waste their money on. My guess is someone was able to a/b test buying two identical cheap systems let’s all go give it a listen.